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5 Common Asthma Triggers

5 Common Asthma Triggers:

Asthma is, along with other health problems such as gastrointestinal disorders, sleep and cause a psychological impact. However, the frequency and incidence of attack varies from person to person, not all symptoms observed directly in an individual, may be two or three symptoms are observed, while in case of another varies individual
Common triggers of asthma attack
Asthmatic attacks are usually mild in frequency, but the severeattacks require medical treatment, since not occur spontaneously. Asthma is also associated with some of the early symptoms: for example:
cough, anxiety, fast talking, breathing disorder, body aches, chest tightness, muscle starched, breast lift, immune system disorders (lungs working well, sleep disturbance, mood changes (irritability), depression and other problems in inhaling and exhaling during breathing, pale skin, lips and fingernails turn blue. tubes to tighten the muscle around the airways tightening such factors is known as muscular as bronchospasm.The starched, bronchospasm, inflammatory causes all the symptoms that we discussed earlier. Yet symptoms of fever, altered routine daily activities, aggression / flare ups and lungs malfunctions are other chronic symptoms of asthma. malfunction lungs reported that asthma is not under control. always recommended by doctors to test the maximum flow for the exam.

Common triggers FIVE

1: Depression:

Depression occurs due to emotional stress which then becomes asthma attacks. The physical stress and emotional stress that both are interdependent and that the feeling of anguish, anxiety, long periods of crying and pain in the body. Because a person experiences a period of time to mourn, his / her immune system is disturbed, reduces the level of oxygen the body needs for proper lung function.

2: infections of the throat and respiratory system:

A conjunction respiratory causes malfunction of the lungs and airways and in turn become breathing disorder.

3: Allergens

The allergens can trigger asthma attack, for example, the allergens are dust, animal dander, the pollan, trees, grass, etc., all can be dangerous and also depends on the level of sensitivity of the person when in contact direct allergens, which can be less or more reactive with the body. However, these allergens cause asthma attacks. It is worth mentioning here that the food preservatives can also cause asthma for example, egg, milk insect particles (cattle, buffalo), shellfish, wheat, fish, etc, because many chemicals used in food preservation as sodium metabisulfite and potassium / bisulfate, these chemicals can be very dangerous to health.

4: Chemical fumes, Smoking, paints, air pollution and asthma

Although allergens, irritants that cause few asthma attack. These irritants induces no allergic reactions but can cause severe attacks if inhaled continuously any irritant, to stay away from these substances always use air purifiers, or wear a mask over your nose while experiencing these chemicals and smoke .

5: Climate Change, strong medications and infections cause asthma

Whether it's hot / cold all sorts of seasonal changes cause asthma attacks. While some people are allergic to some drugs and you know that medications to try to prevent the reaction leads to the intake of the drug. Always inform your consultant and pharmacist before taking this medicine. Drugs like aspirin, Tylenol, naproxen and many more are reactive. Especially when a patient suffers from heart disease, blood pressure and diabetes. even small daily routine infections like cough, flu, bronchitis, cold, all these are respiratory infections can cause asthma and acute respiratory infections.

Ways to overcome asthma attacks

1. Keep track of symptoms

For better control of asthma attacks is to keep a record of symptoms and always maintain the peak flow meter to determine the magnitude of the flow of asthma. It helps in assessing the underlying fault. If the numbers are decreasing peak flow means you have to take control immediately.

2. Asthma Durable need medical treatment

Asthma includes medical treatment according to their greater or minorintensity. If it has become a long-term illness then medical diagnosis is recommended because the drugs are specifically designed to provide relief in the short term no, but in later stages. It'salways important to recognize the early alerts in asthmatic conditions, as we have reported that the early symptoms of asthma attacks must channel recovery towards improving oneself.

3. The use of inhaler

The best prevention without using an inhaler is to exhale your breath as you can, exhale as "flawed" and then begin to inhale slowly and calmly. You can also avoid the triggers but not possible in all cases due to many uncontrollable environmental factors.

4. Follow the specialist

The patient can always consult and seek the advice of specialists in this field. The doctors often recommend "rescue inhalers" to spontaneous reactions. Drugs like Azmacort and Accrlate recommended because I can not let it go as usual treat another disease normal course. However, the disease can move from acute to chronic to try to find herbal treatments or game of mind control. For instant relief provided you keep the inhaler recommended by the doctor and keep track of your symptoms to better compete with them.

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