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Batool Cheema

Pakistani Fashion Model : 

Batool Cheema, 20 years old and born in the city of Gujrat, Pakistan, was the owner of Miss Canada Pakistan 2004. Batool grew quickly in the busy city life and active in Toronto. At age 4, he was playing music and I was curious to explore the many colors of the world. As a result, Batool Cheema was actively involved in the creative arts and has participated in a wide range of activities, from ballet to karate. Along with their extra curricular activities, she struggled to maintain academic excellence.

Batool Cheema Model personal goals during his reign were dedicated and contribute their time and energy to the Pakistani community and help create a more culturally relevant Pakistani youth in North America. Batool Cheema had been invited as guest of honor of National Contests and events held in the city of Toronto. She has also contributed his time to appear as a special guest at charity events. Batool Cheema Model personal message to the Pakistani youth is "take risks and be competitive." Her hobbies are dancing, extreme sports and challenges. She is completing a Bachelor of Science.

I like to travel and meet new challenges that make life more suspenseful, exciting and adventurous! His goals for the future are not limited to an ideal, as she decides to run forward, and to unravel the mysteries of what life has to offer in the way. Batool Cheema quotes: "If anything is possible, then Impossible is Nothing".

 Snapshoots : 

Batool Cheema : 



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