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Trends of Pakistani Street Food

Trends of Pakistani Street Food:

Street food varies by culture and religion, but is commonly found worldwide. The food lovers are found to have strong relationships with food stands and portable vendors. Food ready to eat by the side of the road to keep the roots in Pakistan for centuries. Food vendors in the open streets, markets and public places serve thousands of hungry office workers, businessmen, students and employees.

Some popular side road street food delicious Pakistani includes chana chaat, fruit chaat, Bun Kabab, chips masala, daal chawal, sandwiches, scones barbecue, Pani Puri, jalebi, dahi baray, sweet potatoes, corn, peas roasted chicken liver BBQ, biryani, haleem, the juice of the sugar cane, pumpkins, etc. In winter lemonade a special addition of roasted peanuts and chicken broth or yakhni on the streets. In Swat are the candy eggs and nuts while the popular street food Gujranwala is barbecue, fried or grilled Chiras (birds). These foods represent and reflect the true culture and richness of the flavors in Pakistan. For this reason they have been an attraction for tourists visiting Pakistan and comment positively on their travel blogs on food to enjoy in the streets.

The popularity of road hawkers evolved trends Pakistani street food. Food vendors often place their stalls in markets and busy streets where people from nearby gather and enjoy the different varieties offered. Gradually this style was admired by the crowd the streets and went right to these road side food vendors. Parks and food courts food were the next steps in the development of the changing trends of the Pakistani street food. These areas are devoted specifically to eating out at a street food and buying these road side stalls. Typically pedestrian food stalls, shops, street vendors and small restaurants line serving different varieties of traditional and continental dishes.

Food streets have become an important part of social culture in cosmopolitan cities like Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Dining out in places that are seen as a means of entertainment and social interaction. Traditional dishes are offered at reasonable prices and provide a form of entertainment for family and friends. If we look at food street in Pakistan recently developed can analyze the fans of that food and eating trends.

Gawalmandi Food Street of Lahore was the first popular street food in Pakistan and that was followed by a street food in Islamabad with the name "Melody Street Food". Another street food in Anarkali developed for food lovers in Lahore. Karachi has its own street food for a long time, Burns Road Food Street has been a point of socializing and eating out for families and friends for over 50 years. Besides this the Boat Basin Food Street in Karachi and the recent additions of Port Grand Food Street Food Street and Do Darya worth mentioning. These street food offers something for everyone and they are no longer a place of meeting only middle-class families but who happen to be an area of ​​socialization for all.


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